Site rules

These rules explain how our natural burial sites work, how they can be used, including everything that’s allowed and not allowed.

Environmentally friendly

Only fully biodegradable and environmentally friendly coffins, urns and ashes caskets are permitted at our natural burial grounds. These include coffins made of wicker, bamboo, softwood, recycled paper (papier-mâché) and recycled board. Burials in body bags are not permitted as these are usually made of non biodegradable material.

A body that has been embalmed, or otherwise treated with toxic chemicals, cannot be buried within our natural burial grounds.


Grave and tree plaques must be purchased directly from us at the time of ashes burial, at the prices shown on our website at that time. It’s not possible to pre-purchase trees or plaques, only plots.

Both grave and tree plaques inscriptions can carry text only, no images or photographs are permitted. We reserve the right to remove any plaques, memorials or trinkets that we deem inappropriate, unstable or dilapidated without notice or obligation to compensate you for such removal or disposal. You are responsible for the maintenance of a plaque.

Flowers may be placed on graves or memorial sites

These will be removed by us when deemed appropriate in order to preserve the upkeep of the natural burial ground. Only loose cut flowers should be placed. No plastic packaging should be left, and bunches of flowers may not be tied to trees or guards. Nor can any decorative items be hung from trees. We will remove any flowers, plants or decorative items placed on or around a grave when deemed appropriate by us in order to preserve the upkeep of the natural burial ground.

No gardening of burial plots

The planting of wildflowers and native woodland bulbs is allowed on graves, and we sell those. An approved list of plants and flowers can be provided on request. However, the picking, cutting, or pruning of wild flowers, planting of shrubs and trees, grass cutting or removal of turf on or around graves or trees is prohibited. We reserve the right to remove any plants or flowers placed on a grave or memorial site that does not conform to our approved list.


Trees purchased from us are guaranteed for five years from the date of planting. Please notify us if a tree dies during that period and we will replace it.


The natural burial areas currently available are not consecrated. You may not request the consecration of any part of our grounds, but individual graves may be blessed.

Maintenance of our natural burial grounds

As part of our general services, we are responsible for the ongoing upkeep of our locations and maintenance of all plots to ensure the long-term well-being, development and accessibility of the woodland and wildflower meadows making up our natural burial grounds. We will take such steps (including, for example, mowing certain areas at our discretion) as we deem necessary to meet this aim.


The scattering of cremated remains is not permitted at our natural burial grounds. They must be buried in the ground within a biodegradable container.

Damage to burial plots

It is possible that whilst digging a burial plot, accidental damage may be caused to an adjacent natural burial or ashes interment plot. We will ensure that such damages are promptly rectified.


In the unlikely event that we are required to exhume remains, we shall do so in accordance with all applicable regulation and laws in place at that time.


The burial or ashes burial of pets and other animals is not permitted.

Personal items, money and jewellery

Please remove all personal items, money, jewellery and other valuables from the person being buried, prior to burial.

Visiting a grave or memorial

Dogs or any other domestic animals and pets must at all times be kept on a lead and must not be allowed to run free. You are required to clean up after your animals.

All visitors to the site are requested to give due consideration, privacy and respect to any funeral, memorial ceremonies or services taking place at the time.

Visitors to the site must comply with all applicable laws and specifically shall not scatter any ashes over another grave or memorial or destroy or damage property belonging to another whether intentionally or recklessly.