Wildflower seed balls

About our seed balls

Our wildflower seed balls contain seeds from 34 different species of native wildflower, with a mix of annuals and perennials. We sell them as a nice way for people to recreate the feel of our own wildflower meadows at home, or to scatter here on site.

The seed balls contain peat soil and organic chilli powder to deter predators from eating the seeds before they have a chance to germinate. Simply scatter in Spring or early Autumn on bare earth, ideally on a day when rain is forecast (or water after scattering). Each seed ball pack contains 20 balls contained in a small hessian bag.

Postage & packaging is included but we can only deliver to addresses in the UK.

FAQs about natural burial

See all FAQs

Get in touch with the Tithe Green Natural Burial team for more information and advice. Our sites are located in the East Midlands, close to Nottingham, Leicester and Peterborough.

If you’d like to talk just give us a call on 01623 677 100 or drop us an email: info@tithegreen.com

How it works

Natural burial
(from £1,675)

This means burying a person in a biodegradable coffin using only natural materials, either within woodland (a tree and plaque are planted alongside) or a wildflower meadow (a plaque is placed).

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Natural burial of ashes
(from £700)

This means burying ashes in the ground in a biodegradable container. As with our main natural burial approach, this can be within woodland (with a tree and plaque) or a wildflower meadow (plaque).

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Cremation + natural burial of ashes
(from £2,295)

This means enlisting us to arrange an unattended cremation and burial of ashes in the ground in a biodegradable container. As with all approaches, burial of ashes can be attended or unattended.

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Memorial tree without burial
(from £600)

This means planting a tree in someone’s memory without a burial taking place. This too can be attended or unattended. All trees are accompanied by a welsh slate plaque with a bespoke inscription.

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